Office of Emergency Management
Emergency Management Coordinator
Jeff Lewis, MEMC
Phone Number: 973-479-7203 (On Call)
Emergency Management Deputy Coordinator
Scott Klosterhoff
About the Office of Emergency Management
Each municipality has emergency management coordinators who interact at the local level with police, fire, EMS, public works, public health, schools, etc.
Preparing for and carrying out all emergency functions—also known as comprehensive emergency management—is accomplished in four phases. A description of these phases and the division’s role in each are described below.
The County’s Office of Emergency Management has developed a county-wide pre-disaster all-hazards mitigation plan that has identified hazards and vulnerabilities in all of Sussex County’s twenty four municipalities.
Under the supervision of the County all twenty four municipalities have certified Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) that are reviewed annually and recertified every four years. The purpose of the EOPs is to give guidance to emergency responders in emergencies and disasters. The division also assists other public and private nonprofit agencies in developing their own specialized EOPs.
The division has the responsibility to be aware of and coordinate the response of all emergency resources requested by the incident commander of an emergency or disaster.
If a disaster strikes in Sussex County, the County OEM coordinates a thorough preliminary damage assessment with the affected municipalities. Non-insured losses are totaled and reported to the state. In the event of a presidential disaster declaration, the County then coordinates with the state and FEMA to recover the non-insured public sector losses.
In addition to the foregoing, the County Division of Emergency Management presents training and educational programs including personal emergency preparedness, access and functional needs and incident command for responders. Frankford Township and the County OEM division also uses a community alert program Swift911™ that is of tremendous service to the public.
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
We are looking for Township residents to start a CERT and become better prepared to resond to emergency situations right here in your own community. CERT members must be at lease 18 years of age. Training will be provided free of charge. For more information and application, download the flyer or call OEM Coordinator Jeff Lewis at 973-479-7203 or Cathy Palazzolo at 973-876-4452.
Resources and Links
Recommended Items to Include in a Basic Emergency Supply Kit
Click Here to Download FEMA's Emergency Supply List
FEMA Assistance and Information
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
1-800-621-FEMA (3362)
Click Here for FEMA's Help After a Disaster Guide
Sussex County Office of Emergency Management
Click Here to Visit the Sussex County Office of Emergency Management Website
Emergency Alert Service
Sign up for Swift 911 and Register Ready
JCP&L Outages
To Report: 1-888-LIGHTSS; 1-888-544-4877
Click Here to View Jersey Central Power and Light Area Outages
Warming Centers
The County of Sussex would like to remind residents that all County libraries will be open as warming centers and charging stations. Hours vary by branch. Library hours can be viewed at Please be aware that libraries will be closed on County holidays and declared snow days.
Additionally, the Sparta Police Department is a 24/7 warming center and charging station.
For the list of warming and charging centers see the County website.
The Sussex County Office of Emergency Management has a Facebook page: /SussexCountyOEM/
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