So You Want to Have a Raffle or Bingo Event in Frankford

First you must register your organization with the State of New Jersey. Remember that not all non-profit organizations are qualified to conduct games of chance pursuant to the bingo and raffles licensing laws. To register your qualified organization with the State of New Jersey, please visit this page for more instructions:
Qualified organizations include:
- Bona fide organizations or associations of veterans of any war in which the United States has been engaged,
- Churches and or religious congregations and religious organizations,
- Charitable, educational and fraternal organizations,
- Civic and service clubs,
- Senior citizen associations and clubs,
- Officially recognized volunteer fire companies and officially recognized volunteer first aid or rescue squads.
Learn More
To learn more about the process, please visit the State of New Jersey Bingo and Raffle License Process Instructions found at:
The NJ Division of Consumer Affairs has created sample tickets that can be used for reference. See sample raffle tickets.

Filing Your Application with the Township
Once you have received your Organization's registration number from the State of New Jersey, you may then file your application with the Township. The Township Committee must approve your application prior to you being able to hold your event. As such, you should supply the Clerk's office with your Raffle or Bingo License Application at least two months prior to any Township Committee Meeting. The State Police must review and do a background check before the Township Committee will approve the application.
You can download your Raffle License Application Information and Fees here
You can download your Raffle License Application hereYou can download your Bingo License Application here
After approval by the Township Committee, the Clerk's Office will send a Findings & Determination Report to the Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission along with your application. From the date that the application is mailed, the State has 14 calendar days within to reject the application. If no word is received within the 14 days, your License to Conduct your event will be issued.
PLEASE NOTE: You may not advertise your event or print tickets any time during the 14 day waiting period.